Levin Call for Guantanamo Appointment Praised
Washington, D.C. – Human Rights First today praised Senator Carl Levin’s leadership in urging the White House to appoint an official to oversee the transfer of Guantanamo detainees. In response to Sen. Levin’s letter to President Obama, Human Rights First’s Daphne Eviatar released the following statement:
“The time has come for the White House to appoint a high-ranking official oversee these transfers. Though President Obama has reaffirmed his commitment to closing the detention facility, his administration has been reluctant to use all of the tools available to relocate the detainees who have been cleared for transfer. Senator Levin’s request to the president is a step in the right direction in moving forward to close Guantanamo.”
At his last press conference, President Obama stated that he is actively seeking to close Guantanamo, and will work with lawmakers to overcome challenges from Congress. Appointing a high-ranking official to oversee this process would be a clear sign that the administration plans to rededicate itself to the effort.
For more information about how the administration should proceed as it works to close the facility, see Human Rights First’s resources:
Fact Sheet: Guantánamo by the Numbers
Fact Sheet: Closing Guantánamo
Blueprint: How to Close Guantanamo
Fact Sheet: Myth v. Fact: Trying Terrorism Suspects in Federal Court
Fact Sheet: The Role of the FBI in Keeping America Safe from Terrorism
Fact Sheet: Federal Courts Continue to Take Lead in Counterterrorism Prosecutions
Infographic: Terrorism Convictions Have Been Secured in Federal Court Across the United States