Build what matters

Who We Work With
We work with developers, product designers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers interested in applying their skills to advance justice, uphold democracy, and protect human rights.
The Help We Need
We leverage our unique position within a human rights organization to source meaningful projects based on the most pressing needs from the field. We're always looking for designers and engineers to co-design, build and release high-impact solutions to human rights problems.
Typical Involvement
Our team includes full-time staff, contracted specialists, and dedicated volunteers. In all capacities, team members work closely with experts and field practitioners to build breakthrough solutions in the service of human rights.

Innovation Lab
New data-driven technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, are transforming societies on a global scale. They’re also concentrating power in the hands of undemocratic actors and demanding we expand our very definition of…
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Current Needs
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