Luíza Drummond Veado

DEI Committee Co-Chair

Luiza Drummond Veado (she/her) is a human rights defender with a focus on gender equality, sustainable development and LGBTIQ rights.

She currently works as Outright International United Nations Senior Program Officer and is based in New York. She is also an organizing partner of the LGBTI Stakeholder Group and the convener of the LBTI Caucus. She worked at the Rapporteurship on Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Persons of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, where she developed thematic reports and worked on regional leading cases on LGBTI rights. Prior to this, she was a member of the Human Rights Clinic at the University of Essex and has worked at the Inter-American Court on Human Rights, the Center for Justice and International Law and the Minas Gerais State Human Rights Council and its Truth Commission.

Luíza has also published several academic articles on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics; trained more than one hundred activists and government officials on international and regional non-discrimination standards, with a focus on LGBTI rights; and has coordinated an award-winning video campaign on violence against LGBTI persons in the Americas.

She is a Brazilian attorney with an International Human Rights Law LLM from the University of Essex.