February 29, 2012
The Consequences of Criminalizing “Defamation of Religions”
Updated March 2012
For over a decade, efforts have been made in several venues at the United Nations…
December 31, 2011
Science shows torture is counterproductive. Although pain is commonly assumed to facilitate cooperation, scientific research suggests abusive questioning – including sleep deprivation and stress positions…
December 31, 2011
A company risks enabling mass atrocities when it provides resources, goods, services, or other forms of practical support that help sustain crimes against humanity or…
December 31, 2011
Obstructing the transfer of detainees out of Guantánamo impedes the President’s ability to close the prison, which serves as a recruiting tool for al Qaeda.
…April 30, 2011
National security experts agree: torture did not lead to bin Laden.
February 28, 2011
According to news reports, more than 140,000 refugees have fled Libya in the wake of ongoing turmoil, a number that is expected to grow in…
December 31, 2010
The vast majority of U.S. private contractors do their jobs conscientiously and courageously – often putting their lives at risk in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.…