Obama Must Keep Human Rights at Center of Middle East Engagement

Washington, DC – Ahead of President Obama’s Libya speech to the nation, Human Rights First is urging the administration to put human rights at the center of its middle east policy. In a statement issued today Human Rights First’s Brian Dooley noted: “This evening’s address is an opportunity for President Obama to make clear that the protection of human rights remains at the heart of U.S. engagement in Libya and throughout the Middle East. The United States and others are implementing the United Nations National Security Council Resolution authorizing intervention in Libya to protect civilians and now must see that all parties involved in this ongoing conflict protect innocent lives in accordance with international law. Beyond Libya’s borders, the United States should condemn the use of excessive force against unarmed demonstrators and consistently call on all governments in the region to respect the rights of freedom of expression and assembly.”


Published on March 28, 2011


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