Resources on the Afghan Evacuation
Resources for Afghans
Human Rights First’s Project: Afghan Legal Assistance (PALA) is halting requests for legal assistance until we catch up on the more than 3,000 individual requests we have already received. As we process and work through this backlog of submitted requests, we want to ensure we are providing quality services and advocacy for Afghans who have already filed requests for assistance.
Steps to Protect Your Online Identity
Human Rights First has developed resources to help Afghans protect their online identities from the Taliban — including deleting digital histories and evading the misuse of biometric data.
Our guides are available in English, Dari, and Pashto.
موږ لارښود لرو چې په انګلیسي ، پښتو او دري خبرې کولی شي.
Please help us get these resources into the hands of those who need them.
Guidelines on Going Into Hiding
Human rights activists in Afghanistan are asking for guidance on how to stay safe from the Taliban and from others who would do them harm until they can find a way out of the country. While activists themselves are best-suited to assess their risk and make an informed decision about their safety, Human Rights First has compiled guidelines for going into hiding.
Volunteer for Afghans in Need
Please complete this form to be notified of opportunities to provide pro bono legal assistance to Afghan evacuees.
Please complete this form if you would like to volunteer as a Dari or Pashto interpreter or translator to assist Afghan evacuees and those in need of legal assistance.
Take Action: Tell Congress
To ensure that Afghans find real, lasting safety in the U.S., Congress must pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would allow Afghans arriving with humanitarian parole to seek legal permanent residence in the U.S.
Tell Congress to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act.
Take Action: Social Media
Help us spread the word about the urgent need to bring at-risk Afghans to safety in the U.S. – and to ensure that it is safety that lasts – with our social media toolkit.
Read and watch Human Rights First advocate in the press for honoring the promises we made in Afghanistan by evacuating our allies.
Donate to Support our Rapid Response to this Effort
Please help to save U.S. allies, human rights defenders, and at-risk Afghans, and honor this country’s promise to those whose lives are at risk due to their ties to the United States.
If you have any questions about our fundraising appeal or one you have received about our efforts to assist at-risk Afghans and Afghan refugees, please contact [email protected]