A Series of Short Resource Guides for Hong Kong Human Rights Activists
In response to the worsening human rights situation in Hong Kong in recent weeks, notably since the imposition of the new national security law from Beijing, Human Rights First has produced a series of short practical guides in English and Chinese for local activists.
The first is on hiding from digital surveillance, and includes tips on passwords, multi-factor authentication and other best practices for digital security, specifically to thwart surveillance of communications and location.
The second is on deleting your digital history, and it helps to guide you on how to delete the content and accounts you want, and how to secure the accounts you want to keep.
The third is a resource on things to consider if thinking about leaving Hong Kong and applying for asylum in another country.
These guides are not designed to provide full answers, and we understand that Hong Kong human rights activists are facing a range of difficult challenges, but our hope is that they are useful, basic resources.