FBI Report Shows Sharp Incline in Anti-Muslim Violence

Washington, DC – The Federal Bureau of Investigations today released its annual data on hate crime in the United States for 2010. According to the data, the most comprehensive annual record of hate crime in the United States, most categories of hate crime increased slightly from 2009 levels. The sharpest increase came in the number of anti-Muslim hate crimes, up a staggering 50% from 107 in 2009 to 160 in 2010. “After hate crime declined in 2009, it’s disturbing to see it rise again in 2010. The rise anti-Muslim violence is particularly significant. Human Rights First has long maintained that anti-Muslim violence, as well as other forms of hate crime, must be viewed and responded to as a serious violation of human rights. The U.S. Government can and must do more to confront these abuses,” said Human Rights First’s Paul Legendre. According to LeGendre, one important step to combat all hate crime violence would be for the U.S. government to enhance police reporting of hate crime. In 2010, only 13% of all participating law enforcement agencies reported even a single hate crime in their jurisdictions – a shortcoming that LeGendre notes “undoubtedly masks the true extent of hate crime in the United States.” To speak with LeGendre or for more information about anti-Muslim violence and other forms of hate crime in the United States and globally, please contact Brenda Bowser Soder at [email protected] or 202-370-3323.


Published on November 14, 2011


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