@BarackObama: Protect #US National Security and #VetoNDAA!
As early as today Congress will vote on the final version of this dangerous defense bill. It then goes to President Obama. This bill threatens both U.S. national security and fundamental American ideals. It would:
- greatly expand the military’s role in domestic counterterrorism, sidelining the FBI and local law enforcement;
- authorize the indefinite detention without trial of terrorism suspects, including American citizens; and
- effectively make Guantanamo a permanent prison.
President Obama promised to veto the bill if the final version contained these provisions. Tell President Obama on Twitter to protect our national security and our rights with a veto of the NDAA. The Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the FBI, and Obama’s Counterterrorism Advisor have publicly expressed opposition to the bill, as have 16 former interrogators and counterterrorism professionals and 26 of the nation’s most respected retired military leaders. Retired four-star Marine Generals Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar wrote in a New York Times op-ed that “this budget bill—which can be vetoed without cutting financing for our troops—is both misguided and unnecessary: the president already has the power and flexibility to effectively fight terrorism.” Please act quickly. Tell President @BarackObama @WhiteHouse: Protect #US National Security and #VetoNDAA!