Trump Urged to Immediately Dismiss Sebastian Gorka

New York City— Human Rights First is calling on President Trump to immediately dismiss senior White House counterterrorism advisor Sebastian Gorka following revelations that in 2007 he publicly supported the “Hungarian Guard,” an extremist paramilitary force associated with Hungary’s antisemitic Jobbik party. The Hungarian Guard was later banned by the Hungarian government and described as an “essentially racist” order by the European Court of Human Rights.

“President Trump needs to fire Sebastian Gorka immediately,” said Human Rights First’s Rob Berschinski. “The White House continues to harbor a man who has made a career out of associating with racists and antisemites, and who has expressed support for multiple groups that valorize Nazi-aligned governments in Hungary’s past. It’s unconscionable and inexcusable. He needs to be shown the door tonight.”

The latest disclosure of Gorka’s support for a racist, ultra-nationalist group was brought to light today by the Forward, which reported that Gorka explained his support for the Hungarian Guard during a TV interview.  During the interview, Gorka noted that the militia, which was later banned as a threat to minorities, served “a big societal need.”

This comes following reports last month that leaders of the antisemitic group “Historical Vitézi Rend” claim Gorka is an official member of the organization. The original Vitézi Rend organization, of which the Historical Vitézi Rend organization claims to be an heir, was established as a nationalist group by Hitler collaborator Admiral Miklos Horthy. The Historical Vitézi Rend group ascribes to nationalist, racist, and antisemitic ideologies similar to those of the original organization.

Human Rights First continues to urge President Trump to make clear that he condemns all forms of antisemitism and intolerance, including by calling for the immediate resignation of Sebastian Gorka.


Published on April 3, 2017


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