“Ticking Time Bomb” in Sudan

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday described as a “ticking time bomb of enormous consequence” the fragile situation in Sudan ahead of two key referenda on southern independence just four months from now.

Human Rights First welcomes the recent steps taken by the U.S. to increase its diplomatic engagement in the lead-up to the referenda, including the appointment of Ambassador Princeton Lyman to lead a Sudan Negotiation Support Unit.

We also welcome the announcement yesterday by Ambassador Susan Rice that President Obama himself will attend a high-level meeting on Sudan organized by the U.N. on the margins of the U.N. General Assembly meeting on September 24.

Given Sudan’s troubled history and current flashpoints, U.S. leadership will be critical in the coming weeks in galvanizing the international community’s attention to ensure comprehensive preparations have been made and a full range of contingency plans are in place ahead of January’s critical votes.


Published on September 9, 2010


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