Release of Classified Targeted Killing Advice to Congress Not Enough

Washington, D.C. Tonight, following news that President Obama will give Congress classified Justice Department advice authorizing the use of drones to target U.S. citizens abroad, Human Rights First’s Dixon Osburn issued the following statement:

“Human Rights First urges the Obama Administration to make public its legal analysis regarding the U.S. targeted killing program. While we commend the administration for providing documents requested by Congress, secret disclosure of the administration’s justification to the Senate intelligence committee is insufficient. The White Paper on drone operations released on Monday by NBC raised significant concerns about how the administration is complying with the rule of law. It suggests that the administration has determined that imminent threats require neither a specific nor an immediate threat. Only complete public disclosure of the legal justifications behind the U.S. targeted killing program can assure Americans that the United States is complying with the law and established rules. The United States targeted killing program is setting a precedent for the rest of the world. We have to get this right.”


Published on February 6, 2013


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