Neil Hicks Responds to Reports that U.S. Will Provide Aid to Egypt

Washington, DC – In response to reports that the United States plans to resume military assistance to Egypt, Human Rights First’s Neil Hicks issued the following statement: “The Obama Administration must not abandon the champions of human rights in Egypt by resuming aid to Egypt’s military unconditionally. The United States can, however, preserve leverage and work to encourage Egypt’s peaceful democratic transition if it rolls out the conditioned military assistance in phases linked to specific human rights and democracy milestones. The administration should specify that it is releasing part of the appropriated funds in recognition of the fact that part of the human rights and democracy conditions – the holding of free elections – have so far been met. Further funds, however, should be tied to the passage of a new Constitution that protects the rights and freedoms of all Egyptians, to the hand-over of power to elected civilian rulers and to the reform of other laws relevant to the basic freedoms mentioned in the conditions attached by Congress. It would be very damaging for the U.S. government to release the military assistance without highlighting the need for Egypt to make further progress in upholding human rights and democracy.” For more information or to speak with Hicks, contact Brenda Bowser Soder at [email protected] or 202-370-3323.



Published on March 16, 2012


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