Jaleela Al Salman Released, Countless Others Remain Jailed

Washington, DC—Human Rights First today expressed relief at reports that Jaleela Al Salman, Vice President of the Bahraini Teachers Association, has been released from jail. On October 18, Al Salman was rearrested in a night raid and seized by masked men who entered her home without showing a warrant for her arrest. “Jaleela’s release is welcome news, but her case and the high profile cases of the Bahraini medics are just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless less famous people who have been tortured and sentenced and who remain jailed after unfair trials,” said Human Rights First’s Brian Dooley, who spoke to Al Salman via Skype just days before her most recent arrest. On September 25, Al Salman was sentenced to three years in prison. She was convicted following an unfair military court trial and was at home while she waited for her appeal, currently scheduled for December 11. Al Salman was originally in prison between March 29 and August 21. Her colleague, Mahdi Abu Deeb, President of Bahrain Teachers Association, was recently sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Hear directly from Al Salman as she talks in her own words about the abuse she suffered in custody here. The United States has notified Congress of its intention to sell $53 million in arms to the Bahraini government. A resolution of disapproval has been introduced in both chambers of the U.S. Congress and several members are objecting to the sale. Human Rights First said it’s likely not a coincidence that the Bahraini Government has released Al-Salman as the U.S. Government continues to considers the sale.


Published on November 1, 2011


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