Human Rights Group Reacts to Mubarak Verdict

Washington, D.C.— Human Rights First’s Neil Hicks released this statement following the verdict in the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: “The verdict in the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will not satisfy popular demands for justice and accountability for the crimes and violations that took place under the previous regime. “The former President and his Minister of the Interior, Habib al-Adly were sentenced to life imprisonment for not using their high office to stop the killings of unarmed protesters in January and February 2011. They are likely to appeal against their convictions. “This verdict leaves many questions unanswered about the regime’s involvement in extensive violations of human rights and widespread official corruption. The verdict may also lead to protests and even political violence if supporters and opponents of the former president clash in the streets. “Egypt’s new government needs to implement a comprehensive process to account for the crimes of the past regime. The hastily convened trial of the former president and a few of his associates does not begin to meet that need. Only on the basis of truth can Egypt rebuild public trust in the rule of law that can undergird the development of a democratic society.”


Published on June 2, 2012


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