Asylum Ban: Illegal and Inhumane

The Biden Ban

In early 2023, the Biden administration proposed a rule that would illegally ban many refugees from seeking asylum in the United States.

Our Response

Trapped, Preyed Upon, and Punished: One Year of the Biden Administration Asylum Ban (May 2024)

U.S. Border and Asylum Policies Harm Black Asylum Seekers (February 2024)

Asylum Ban Strands Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Mexico and Returns Them to Danger (November 2023)

Human Rights First Tracker of Attacks Against Migrants Under Asylum Ban in 2023 (November 2023)

Inhumane and Counterproductive: Asylum Ban Inflicts Mounting Harm (October 2023)

Refugee Protection Travesty: Biden Asylum Ban Endangers and Punishes At-Risk Asylum Seekers (July 2023)

A Line That Barely Budges: U.S. Limiting Access to Asylum – joint report with The Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project and Kino Border Initiative (June 2023)

Biden Administration Asylum Ban: Widely Opposed Misstep Violates Law and Fuels Wrongful Deportation of Refugees (June 2023)

Lives At Risk: Barriers and Harms As Biden Asylum Ban Takes Effect – joint report with Haitian Bridge Alliance, ACLU, Amnesty International, Amnesty International USA, NILC, NIJC, Tahirih Justice Center, UndocuBlack Network, and the #WelcomeWithDignity campaign for asylum rights. (June 2023)

Public Comments Urge Withdrawal of Biden Administration’s Proposed Asylum Ban (April 2023)

Biden Administration’s Proposed Asylum Ban: Illegal, Inhumane, and No Solution (February 2023)

Leading by Example, Honoring Commitments: Recommendations for the Biden Administration to Uphold Refugee Law at Home (January 2023)

Biden Administration Plan to Resurrect Asylum Ban Advances Trump Agenda (January 2023)

Letter to President Biden – March 15, 2023

Letter to President Biden – January 18, 2023

After he campaigned on promises to uphold asylum, President Biden’s asylum ban is a grave legal, moral, and political mistake.
Learn more

The Trump Ban

During the Trump administration, Human Rights First conducted research into the consequences of a similar asylum ban, which was repeatedly struck down by federal courts.

abandon the asylum bans

Upholding Refugee Law

Read our recommendations for the Biden Administration to keep its promises, restore asylum, and uphold refugee law.