For Human Rights Day, We Honor Inspiring Women

Eleanor Roosevelt once described the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the “international Magna Carta of all mankind.” As Chairman of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Eleanor led the way in drafting the charter—outlining inalienable rights for all people. Since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration 63 years ago on December 10, 1948, the human rights charter has become the benchmark for the extension and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Today, we have seen many more women continue the work Eleanor has started, pushing for human rights to become truly universal. In commemoration of Human Rights Day on December 10, Human Rights First honors four inspiring women defenders who have labored courageously to push boundaries for the protection of human rights. From Shehrbano Taseer’s committed efforts to fight extremism in Pakistan, Viktória Mohácsi’s multi-decade-long fight for Roma Rights, and to the revolutionary work of Esraa Abdel Fattah in Egypt and Jaleela Al-Salman in Bahrain to democratize their countries—all four demonstrate passion and commitment to human rights. Join us on Facebook and share your stories of inspiring women.


Published on December 8, 2011


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