We found 672 results for “Accountability”.
Abu Ghraib Accountability Gap
August 29, 2007
Yesterday’s verdict in the trial of Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan means that no one in the Army’s upper ranks will be imprisoned for the…
Abu Ghraib Trial Fails to Close the Accountability Gap
August 23, 2007
In today’s Washington Post, Dana Milbank illustrates how the trial of Army Lt. Col. Steven Jordan currently taking place at Fort Meade isn’t shedding any more light on…
Asylum News 55
July 1, 2007
GAO Finds Lack of Phone Access for Detainees On July 6, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report entitled “Alien Detention Standards.” GAO had been…
Human Rights First Statement on the Opening of the Trial of Charles Taylor
June 4, 2007
“Taylor’s trial is significant because it shows that even very powerful figures, including heads of state, can be held accountable for crimes against humanity. These…
Human Rights First and ACLU Express Disappointment at Dismissal of Rumsfeld Torture Case
March 27, 2007
NEW YORK – A federal judge today dismissed a case brought by nine Iraqi and Afghan former detainees for the torture they suffered in U.S.…
Yet Again U.S. Special Forces Escape Criminal Punishment for Torture and Death of Afghan Detainees
January 29, 2007
Instead of bringing criminal charges, military commanders chose to reprimand two Special Forces soldiers accused of involvement in the torture and death of Afghan detainees…
Statement on the Execution of Saddam Hussein
January 2, 2007
Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, but his execution was the culmination of a legal process that…
In Torture Case Against Rumsfeld, Lawyers Cite ‘Widespread Pattern’ of Abuse, Need for Accountability
December 6, 2006
WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights First today argued before a federal court that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should be…
Conviction Overturned in Murder of Indonesian Human Rights Leader Munir
October 5, 2006
NEW YORK – Human Rights First today called for a new investigation after Indonesia’s Supreme Court overturned the conviction of the only person serving time for…
Military Commissions Act of 2006 Defies U.S. Constitution, Violates Fundamental Rights
September 28, 2006
Human Rights First today denounced the Military Commissions Act of 2006, passed yesterday by the House and today by the Senate. By passing this law,…
President Bush’s Press Conference on Military Commissions and National Security, September 15, 2006
September 15, 2006
Application of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions What the President said: “Common Article 3 says that…there will be no outrages upon human dignity.…
President Bush’s Speech on Military Commissions and National Security, September 6, 2006
September 8, 2006
On Wednesday President Bush delivered an important speech outlining the administration’s plan for the detention, interrogation and prosecution of security detainees, including terrorist suspects. In…