We found 672 results for “Accountability”.
How the Vice President Stole America’s Ideals
December 19, 2008
On the joint occasion of the holiday season and Vice President Cheney’s recent statements again advocating the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” – torture – we refreshed Dr.…
Detainee Abuse Cannot Be Attributed to “a few bad apples”; Top Bush Admin Officials Are to Blame
December 12, 2008
A report released yesterday by the Senate Armed Services Committee said that top Bush Administration officials bore major responsibility for the abuses committed by American troops in…
Senate Report Underscores Need for Complete Accounting of Prisoner Abuse
December 11, 2008
NEW YORK – The Senate Armed Service Committee’s release today of the unclassified portions of its report on detainee treatment reaffirms the need for a…
HRF Welcomes Blackwater Indictments, But Real Contractor Accountability Will Require Much More
December 8, 2008
New York – Despite the indictments of five Blackwater contractors, and one guilty plea, the United States government continues to foster a culture of impunity for…
Goldsmith Gets It Wrong: The Facts Aren’t Too Much to Ask For
November 26, 2008
In a Washington Post column today, Jack Goldsmith argues against any further investigation into the Bush Administration’s interrogation policies and practices. He argues that the…
Blueprint for the Next President Provides Step-by-Step Guide to End Private Contractor Impunity
November 17, 2008
Washington, DC – Since the killings of 17 Iraqi civilians by Blackwater security contractors in Baghdad’s Nisoor Square last year, lack of accountability of contractors has been a central issue…
Blueprint for the Next President Provides Step-by-Step Guide to End Private Contractor Impunity
November 17, 2008
Washington, DC – Since the killings of 17 Iraqi civilians by Blackwater security contractors in Baghdad’s Nisoor Square last year, lack of accountability of contractors…
New Report Finds Violent Hate Crime on the Rise
September 24, 2008
NEW YORK–Incidents of violent hate crime targeting a number of minority groups are increasing or occurring at historically high levels in many of the Organization…
Bin al Shibh Appears in Court but Legal Uncertainties Loom
September 24, 2008
Anthony S. Barkow is a volunteer consultant for Human Rights First. He is Executive Director of the Center on the Administration of Criminal Law at New…
Relligious Leader Calls Torture the First Major Scandal of the 21st Centrury
September 19, 2008
Here’s David Gushee writing in the Associated Baptist Press. Opinion: Torture: Our first major 21st-century scandal By David Gushee Friday, 19 September 2008 (ABP) — The…
Countries Shipping Arms to Sudan May Violate Genocide Convention
July 11, 2008
NEW YORK—By naming Sudan’s president as a suspect in the commission of genocide in Darfur today, the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) has…
Rights Groups Based in All G8 Countries, Sudan Call on Nations’ Leaders to Advocate Against Darfur Violence at July Summit
June 19, 2008
NEW YORK, June 19, 2008 – An international coalition of over 40 nongovernmental organizations from all eight countries represented by the G8 called today on…