We found 601 results for “Access to U.S. Asylum”.
Asylum News 61
January 1, 2008
Material Support Waiver Legislation On December 26, 2007, President Bush signed into law an appropriations bill that included a provision expanding the discretionary authority of the…
Asylum News 58
October 1, 2007
Material Support: Hmong and Montagnard Waivers On October 20, 2007, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff authorized waivers of the…
Asylum News 57
September 1, 2007
Update: Material Support On September 19, Human Rights First Senior Counsel Anwen Hughes testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law,…
Asylum News 55
July 1, 2007
GAO Finds Lack of Phone Access for Detainees On July 6, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report entitled “Alien Detention Standards.” GAO had been…
Human Rights First Welcomes Bipartisan Bill to Protect Iraqi Refugees
June 19, 2007
Human Rights First today welcomed “The Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act,” co-sponsored by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) which would provide safe…
Asylum News 53
May 1, 2007
New Study Reveals Disparities in Asylum Decisions A new study has comprehensively analyzed the decisions of asylum officers, immigration judges, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and…
Asylum News 44
August 1, 2006
DOJ Announces Immigration Court Reforms On August 9, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced reforms to the immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals. These…
Wide Disparities in Immigration Court Asylum Denials
July 31, 2006
Immigration judges deny asylum applications at widely disparate rates, according to a new report issued by Syracuse University’s Transaction Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). Most judges…
Asylum News 43
July 21, 2006
CIS Ombudsman’s Asylum Proposal Rejected Dr. Emilio Gonzalez, the Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), announced in late June…
Asylum News 41
May 26, 2006
Senate Immigration Reform Bill Passes, But Contains Provisions That Put Refugees at Risk The Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611) by…
Asylum News 40
April 20, 2006
The Immigration Reform Debate: Asylum Seekers and Others Remain at Risk Earlier this month, the U.S. Senate failed to reach agreement on a compromise immigration…
Human Rights First Calls on Senate Judiciary Committee to Reject Specter Proposal to Limit Access to Courts for Refugees Trying to Escape Persecution
March 15, 2006
Judicial Oversight Could Be the Difference between Life and Death for Asylum Seekers WASHINGTON, DC – Attorneys with Human Rights First (HRF), one of the…