We found 120 results for “Afghan Resettlement”.
Washington Week on Human Rights: April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016
TOP NEWS Obama in Saudi Arabia This week President Obama travels to Saudi Arabia to meet with leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), including…
New Report Finds Worsening Conditions for Syrian Refugees, Threats to Regional Stability, Due to Lack of Support
February 29, 2016
New York City – Human Rights First today released a new report, “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Need for U.S. Leadership,” that details the deteriorating conditions facing…
The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Need for U.S. Leadership
February 29, 2016
Foreword by Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker The Syrian refugee crisis is at a pivotal moment. More than 11 million people are displaced within Syria, a…
Washington Week on Human Rights: January 19, 2016
January 21, 2016
Top News Global Refugee Crisis Tomorrow the Senate will take up the American SAFE Act, legislation that would effectively halt the resettlement of vulnerable refugees…
Washington Week on Human Rights: November 23, 2015
November 24, 2015
Top News Global Refugee Crisis Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Safe Act, legislation that would effectively shut down the resettlement of…
Washington Week on Human Rights: September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015
Top News Global Refugee Crisis Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States will increase the annual number of refugees it…
Washington Week on Human Rights: March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015
Top News GUANTANAMO Retired Marine Corps Major General Vaughn Ary has stepped down from his post overseeing the military commissions at the U.S. detention facility…
Asylum Seekers Facing Religious and other Persecution Impacted by Impediments to Protection, in Europe and the United States
June 24, 2014
A piece in Sunday’s New York Times, “A Christian, Convert on the Run in Afghanistan,” tells the story of an Afghan Christian convert who sought…
Asylum Fraud: Abusing America’s Compassion?
February 11, 2014
Testimony of Human Rights First’s Eleanor Acer On “Asylum Fraud: Abusing America’s Compassion?” Submitted to the House Judiciary Committee, Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security February 11,…
Retired Generals and Admirals Urge Senate to Take Steps to Close Guantanamo Responsibly
November 13, 2013
Washington, D.C. – As the Senate takes up the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this week, 38 of the nation’s most respected retired…
Human Rights First Welcomes Obama Administration Efforts to Find Guantanamo Solution
November 7, 2013
Washington, D.C. – Human Rights First supports reported Obama Administration negotiations with the Yemeni government to build a rehabilitation facility for the Yemeni detainees cleared for…
Twelve Years Later: 9/11 Demands Justice, Not GTMO
September 11, 2013
Twelve years after 9/11, those who planned the attacks have yet to be held accountable for causing the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. Guantanamo…