Work With Asylum Seekers
Tell your Congresspeople to protect immigrants and refugees
Areas of Focus
Current Initiatives
Published on July 14, 2016
20 Years After 9/11: Rights-Based Policies for a New Era
2002 Iraq AUMF Repeal Provision in National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020
Countering ISIL’s Messaging
A Perilous Path: How Exceeding Term Limits Can Foster Violent Extremism
A Resolution in 9/11 Trial Still Elusive Despite Best Efforts for Justice
A Welcome Step Toward Clarity and Transparency by the New State Department Legal Advisor, but Speeches Aren’t Enough
Abu Zubaydah Gets His PRB
Administration Attempts to Win Congressional Support for ISIL AUMF
Administration AUMF Fails to Include Sunset of 2001 Authorization
Administration Should Detail Broader Strategy During Syria AUMF Debate
Administration Urged to Implement Executive Order to Increase Transparency of Drone Strikes
Administration Urged to Provide Transparency on Use of Force, Civilian Casualties
If you do not already have legal representation, cannot afford an attorney, and need help with a claim for asylum or other protection-based form of immigration status, we can help.