Round-up of Guantanamo Military Commissions Coverage

Human Rights First is giving real-time updates of the Khadr trial on this blog—and our commentary has been picked up in news stories over various outlets. Below is a roundup of some of our commentary:

• Daphne Eviatar commented on the admissibility of confessionary evidence given allegations of abuse, on CNN.

• Daphne Eviatar discusses how the jury will deal with Khadr’s confession on MNS News.

• Daphne Eviatar and Senator Romero Dalliare outline Khadr’s trial and its resemblance to a ‘kangeroo court’ on CBC News.

• Listen to Eviatar discusses the moral and legal challenges the U.S military commissions must face when trying Khadr, a boy forced into Al-Qaeda cells at age nine and captured before his sixteenth birthday, on MotherJones.

• Read our “Snapshot of a Gitmo Terrorist” and our full list of updates on the Khadr and al-Qosi proceedings.

Human Rights First has been monitoring the military commissions proceedings since their beginning in 2004. Read our past entries and follow us on Twitter @humanrights1st and Daphne Eviatar @deviatar.


Published on August 12, 2010


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