President Obama on U.S. values, Guantanamo, and human rights
In President Obama’s speech last night, a clear call to returning to American values and human rights, reminding why he ended torture and will close Guantanamo:
Finally, we must draw on the strength of our values – for the challenges that we
face may have changed, but the things that we believe in must not. That is why
we must promote our values by living them at home – which is why I have
prohibited torture and will close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. And we must make
it clear to every man, woman and child around the world who lives under the dark
cloud of tyranny that America will speak out on behalf of their human rights,
and tend to the light of freedom, and justice, and opportunity, and respect for
the dignity of all peoples. That is who we are. That is the moral source of
America’s authority.
Get involved. Sign our petition and join our facebook group to ensure the United States stands by these principles and closes Guantanamo.