How to Turn Around Egypt’s Disastrous Post-Mubarak Transition

Blueprint for U.S. Government Policy

Human Rights First issued a new blueprint for U.S. government policy in Egypt detailing steps the United States should take to help arrest Egypt’s dangerous drift towards instability and move the country towards constitutional legitimacy, the rule of law, and legal guarantees for the rights of all Egyptians. The blueprint comes as U.S. policy towards Egypt appears alarmingly unclear, amidst ever-deepening political polarization and violence in Egypt.

The blueprint calls for a major shift in U.S. policy to prioritize promoting human rights and the rule of law through the bilateral relationship.  The Blueprint recommends that the U.S. government:

  • Work with allies to provide substantial,  sustained economic incentives for Egypt’s rulers to move towards inclusive, civilian led, democratic government
  • Continue to set human rights and democracy conditions on military aid to Egypt
  • Discourage other governments from providing Egypt with funds that are not linked to necessary economic and political reforms
  • Urge the Egyptian authorities to back off from its indiscriminate crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters, and to reverse restrictions on basic freedoms of assembly, association and expression
  • Provide clearer public statements on events in Egypt, guided by a firm commitment to the universal values of human rights, recognizing the important role the U.S. government plays in setting a tone for international support, or the withholding of such support, from the Egyptian government

The blueprint also underlines the importance of political reconciliation in Egypt to the fate of Egypt’s vulnerable Christian minority which has endured a spike in violent attacks since the removal from office of President Morsi on July 3.


Published on December 3, 2013


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