Death Sentences…for Being Gay
Discrimination against homosexuals has reached a disturbing new level in Uganda. Legislation was recently introduced to make homosexuality punishable by life in prison or even death.
A life sentence, or death, for being homosexual? This is outrageous, and against any notion of human rights. But it goes further. Those – such as health care professionals – who do not report people they know to be gay to the government may be subject to 3 years in jail. It would also criminalize certain HIV information efforts as “promotion of homosexuality.” The list goes on.
This is one of the harshest discriminatory measures ever proposed in any country. And we can do something. The United States spent $300 million last year on the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in Uganda, representing approximately 2.6% of its total economy. And President Obama’s popularity in Africa would make a public statement against these types of initiatives particularly effective.
Write your Members of Congress urging that they support two letters already circulating in both the House and the Senate – to President Obama and President Museveni – about this injustice.
To read the Dear Colleague letters, click here.
Read more about the issue in our factsheet.