Chicago Tribune: Where is President Obama’s Will to Win? Close Guantanamo Now!
Op-ed by Retired Marines Generals Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar
Two years ago, a group of retired generals and admirals that we lead stood with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office as he signed an executive order to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year. Obama called Guantanamo “a damaging symbol to the world.” His leadership sent a strong signal that America was changing course and was again a nation of laws, that those who were cleared of misconduct would be released, those who stood accused of crimes would be held to account, and that Guantanamo would then be closed.
Today, we must question the administration’s commitment to lead in closing Guantanamo and in ensuring that our national security policies reflect our values and our commitment to the rule of law. The president has failed to fight for what he stood for on Day 2.