The continued detention of prisoners without charge at Guantanamo undermines our national security and is a recruiting bonanza for our enemies. We’ve joined forces with a group of retired generals and admirals; together we are pressing President Obama to deliver on his promise to shut down the prison. Our Blueprint on How to Close Guantanamo is a detailed roadmap for how to get there. Photo: AP.

150 years after the United States ratified the 13th Amendment officially abolishing slavery, human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, entrapping an estimated 21 million victims. Victims of modern-day slavery can be found in virtually every state and city in America, working in construction, manufacturing, agriculture, as domestic workers, in brothels and in many other industries. We are attacking the scourge of modern-day slavery by bringing together U.S. government and other leaders to put the criminals who profit $150 billion a year from trafficking out of business.

The United States is a nation of immigrants and refugees. People fleeing violence and persecution come to America because it stands as a beacon of hope and freedom to the world. Refugees not only enrich our society, but resettling the most vulnerable among them safeguards our national security.