Attorney General Speaks About Hate Crimes and Coming Report on Torture

Attorney General Eric Holder mentioned hate crime legislation as a top priority in a Senate hearing today. Let your senator know that you agree with him – write today in support of a hate crimes bill expected to come to vote very soon. In the same hearing, Holder referred to the awaited report from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) investigating the development of legal advice that authorized torture.

The Washington Post quotes Human Rights First in an article covering the hearing:

“The American people have a right to know how the U.S. Justice Department
came to issue legal opinions approving acts of cruelty that shocked the world,
damaged U.S. moral authority and harmed efforts to combat terrorism
effectively,” according to a letter from Human Rights First and more than a
half-dozen other activist groups. “Requests for release of the OPR report have
been met with excessive delay and insufficient explanations. We urge you to
release the OPR report now and send a clear message that transparency in
government and adherence to the law are core American values as well as key
assets to U.S. national security.”


Published on June 17, 2009


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