Most Afghan refugees do not settle in the West. Hardline policies and anti-refugee sentiments across much of Europe mean few Afghans will find sanctuary on the continent.
Human Rights First and our allies are working to help Afghan refugees be welcomed in the United States, but other parts of the world may be more hospitable.
Where are Afghans resettling?
Pakistan, which shares a border with Afghanistan, has long absorbed the largest number of Afghan refugees, even though it is not party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol.
Other countries taking in Afghans temporarily and in small numbers include: Albania, Qatar, Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, and Colombia.
What other resources might help me?
If you or your family are outside the United States and seek legal assistance or information about resettlement:
Evacuate Our Allies Operations Center in Los Angeles, CA:
WhatsApp (TEXT MSG ONLY): +1 (213) 435-2904.
Phone: +1 (213) 358-7953
Hours: 6 AM - 12 AM PST; 5:30 PM - 11:30 AM AFT (Kabul)
Please leave text message on WhatsApp during off-hours
If you identify as LGBTQI+ and need support to find safety